Common Questions

What should I expect at my initial appointment?

Your initial appointment with a treating physician will typically be scheduled for 90 minutes. Additional time is provided should the patient and physician feel  that it is appropriate. At Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA the initial appointment is considered to be a consultation appointment which does not necessarily establish a patient-physician relationship. Certain segments of the initial appointment will be very much like any initial appointment with a new physician. Information will be explored concerning present difficulties in daily living, past history of medical behavioral issues, family history of psychiatric and substance use issues, personal substance use patterns, current acute and chronic medical issues, review of prescribed and over-the-counter medications (including herbal and nutritional supplements), and development/psychosocial history. The initial appointment is a time for a new patient to determine if the services of Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA will be useful in working toward a reduction and elimination of the current psychosocial distress in their lives. 

Do I need a referral to make an appointment?

At this time, you do not need a referral to make an initial appointment with a treating physician at Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA. However, we do provide a referral form for your physician to complete if he/she so desires. No initial appointments are made without a required phone screening to determine if the our services can be of help to you in your current situation. 

How do I obtain medication refills between appointments?

If you are in need of a medicaiton refill prior to your next scheduled appointment, please contact our office by phone and allowing 48 hours for processing of your request. Depending on the medicaiton, the refill request may be called directly to the pharmacy of your choice. However, certain DEA Scheduled medicaitons can only be refilled with a paper prescription presented directly to the pharmacy. If this is the case with your requested refill, you will need to make arrangements to pick-up the prescription directly from our office during our regular scheduled business hours. When picking-up a prescription from our office, you will be asked to present a valid government form of photo identification and sign for the prescription. This policy is for the protection of both the patient and the treating physician who provided the prescription. A family member may also pick-up the prescription for an established patient under the same policy. Please review the prescription for any needed corrections before leaving our office. A fee may be charged for prescription refills between scheduled appointments unless the fee is waived by the treating physician. Refills for DEA Scheduled medications will not typically be processed during weekends and scheduled holidays. 

Are there certain types of evaluations which are not provided by Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA?

At this time, Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA does not provide consultations or evaluations for disability claims, forensic cases, or workmans compensation cases. In addition, our treating physicians do not participate as expert witnesses in legal cases of any type.   

Does Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA provide psychiatric inpatient treatment?

The practice structure of Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA does not currently support the provision of inpatient psychiatric care at any of the local hospitals in the geographical area. If inpatient care is indicated we will make every effort to assist established patients in obtaining admission to an appropriate treatment facility. While hospitalized, individual patient care will be directed by a hospitalist who is an employed physician of the particular treatment facility. Clinicians at Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA will be available to assist in coordination of care and transition to outpatient follow-up. In addition, our treating clinicians do not provide care for established patients in any of the local hospital Emergency Departments. Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA has no clinicial association with any of the local psychiatric treatment facilities.

Can family members or friends be involved in care and treatment? 

At Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA, certain members of your family and various friends may be involved in your care and treatment. In fact, we encourage participation of members of your primary support group at various stages of treatment. However, participation will only occur with your written permission - without written permission, Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA maintains your complete confidentiality and will not even confirm whether you are an established patient in our practice. You have the right to select who from your primary support group is involved in your treatment and care, what types of personal health information may be shared, and when written permission will expire. If at any time you have concerns regarding privacy and confidentially, feel free to discuss these issues with your treating physician. In addition, you may also speak directly to our Practice  Privacy Officer regarding your concerns.

How are medical records maintained?

Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA is contracted with Valant Medical Solutions to provide full-service Web based electronic medical records (EMR). The Valant EMR was developed by a psychiatrist in private practice specifically for use by clinicians in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, and behavioral medicine. Valant Medical Solutions is based in Washington state and is fully compliant with HIPAA and other Federal privacy regulations. All data is secured by the following applications: server colocation in a guarded facility, encrypted off-site back-ups, maintenance of software security updates and patches, firewall encrypted access, intrusion detection, access control, and the regular auditing of access to sensitive information. All patient medical records are stored for 10 years on the Valant system, and Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA has purchased use of the Valant system for three years. Additional features of the Valant system include a Patient Portal, E-prescribing, Patient Appointment Reminders (patients may select reminders by fax, telephone, or text, and the reminder option is HIPAA compliant to maintain confidentiality), and instant access by Internet for all treating physicians. Only licensed clinical staff members of Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA have an individual user license with access rights to the EMR. The Valant system continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of behavioral medicine health care delivery with an emphasis on reducing administrative duties. This emphasis increases the time available to provide direct patient care. With over seven years in the field of electronic medical records, Valant has demonstrated the ability and desire to meet the unique challenges in the delivery of behavioral medicine care and treatment. We are proud to partner with this outstanding company. For further information, please consult 

Is there any affiliation between Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA and local psychiatric inpatient treatment facilities?

Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA has no established linkage to any of the local psychiatric inpatient treatment facilities nor do we make any recommendations regarding individual patient use of any of these treatment facilities. As such, should one of our established patients be admitted to one of these treatment facilities, the patient's inpatient psychiatric care will be under the direction of the specific treatment facility and not under the direction of Poinsett Psychiatric Innovations, PA.

Helpful Forms

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